Healthy Recipes to Keep You Fit and Fabulous


I woke up so sore this morning from yesterday’s workout- mainly the addition of lunges, which I haven’t done in a while.  We had planned to go running this morning, but my soreness seemed to serve as a good enough excuse for both of us to skip our morning workout.  As usual, I’m regretting it now.  But let’s talk about breakfast first:


Nothing too exciting here, just a quick and filling bowl of Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal:

I really wish I had some fresh strawberries or banana to throw on top, but…I didn’t.  I’ll add it to the grocery list.  For a little extra sweetness, I added a drizzle of sugar-free maple syrup on top.

Maple-y Oats

I like this oatmeal because it’s low in sugar, comes in a variety of flavors, and it comes in individual packets, which is important for portioning.

I spent the morning pouring my blood, sweat and tears (mainly just tears) into a buttload of chemistry homework and quizzes, to prepare for two MORE quizzes that I had to drive to the school to go take in the Testing Center.  So rude that they make us do that.

At least I had this pup by my side to cheer me up:

"Cheer up, Mom! I's a COCKATOO!"


Lunch today was especially delicious, thanks to some leftover BBQ chicken from last night.  I topped the rest of the Eat Smart Asian Salad Kit with the leftover chicken, which I warmed in the microwave.  I topped that with the leftover packet of “crunchies”, and the rest of the Asian dressing packet.

I then mixed and cut everything a million times, until the result was my very own Asian Chicken Chopped Salad:

Chop Chop

I have a thing about salads- I’ll sit at a restaurant for a good 10 minutes after my salad comes, cutting and mixing until I have a chopped salad in front of me.  It’s pretty obnoxious, but I really like to get bites of everything at once! 🙂

I also had a small OIKOS Greek Caramel Yogurt on the side:

Yummy Yogurt

Only 110 calories in that baby, and it tastes like dessert.

Strange Fact About Me: Generally speaking, I will eat most types of fruit.  However, I have a strange phobia of the following fruity situations:

  • different kinds of fruits touching, with the exception of strawberry and banana, which were made for each other
  • CHUNKS of fruit in yogurt, or anything, for that matter
  • fruit salad

And most notably…


Just typing those words made me gag. Not kidding.

It is for these reasons that you will absolutely never see a post from me where I am eating yogurt with fruit in it, fruit-flavored yogurt, weird fruit smoothie concoctions, or any recipe that contains the aforementioned apple products.

Let’s get back to my previous comment about missing my workout.  Missing workouts is just not worth the mental agony I cause myself for the rest of the day.  I need to remember that waking up and just getting it done is the best feeling in the world, and the perfect start to my day.  Julie at Peanut Butter Fingers wrote a post about “inspirational workout mantras“, and the one that she came up with for herself has really helped me out- “I have never regretted a workout.” It’s so true!  Being sore sucks, but it’s better to just suck it up and power through the pain, can I get an AMEN?! I’m planning to skip my night class tonight, because I am sick of driving and my brain is dead from this week, so I think I’ll get a workout in later today.

Do you have a workout mantra, or something you say to yourself that keeps you going in the gym?

Comments on: "JUST DO IT!" (3)

  1. My workout mantra “no pain, no pain!!!!!

  2. […] flavors they had- Banana Pudding and Cherry Amaretto.  I was quickly reminded why I hate fruit flavors! […]

  3. […] most readers have probably gathered by now, I have fruit issues.  I hate different types of fruit “touching”, I hate certain textures, etc.  Well, […]

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